We deliver the music.
you take care of business.

Curated soundscapes.

Elevated Experiences.

Curated soundscapes. Elevated Experiences.

At Sound of Baltazar, our team of dedicated sound engineers, producers, and music enthusiasts crafts tailor-made playlists and custom DJ setlists that elevates the atmosphere and transforms each visit into a memorable experience.

Our Bespoke Services

Choose between our bespoke services to embark on a journey to redefine your atmosphere—where sound meets sophistication, creating an unmatched experience for both customers and employers alike. Reach out today, and let us compose a soundtrack that truly embodies your brand.

The Signature Selection

For those who want an immersive, dynamic sound experience.

  • 220 custom-selected tracks per month that resonate with your brand (approx. 16 hours).

    6 DJ sets per month to keep your music lively and engaging.

    Benefit from comprehensive playlist management tailored to your needs.

    Complete account setup and management solution for Spotify and SoundCloud.

    Get full technical support for peace of mind.

The Core Experience

For those who want a steady stream of curated music.

  • 150 tracks per month to enhance your environment. ( approx. 11 hours)

    4 curated DJ sets per month, adding variety to your sound.

    Playlist management for effortless music integration.

    Technical support for smooth operation.

The Elite Solution

For those who want an all-encompassing, premium musical journey.

  • Access 300 expertly curated tracks per month to create a memorable atmosphere (approx. 24 hours).

    Enjoy 10 DJ sets per month, elevating the overall experience for your customers.

    Benefit from comprehensive playlist management tailored to your needs.

    Lean back with our complete account setup and management solution for Spotify and SoundCloud.

    Receive priority technical support to ensure uninterrupted service.

Optimized sound Solution

With our audio consultancy we offer expert guidance on sound system design and optimization. Specializing in creating tailored audio solutions for various environments, such as performance venues, recording studios, and event spaces. This includes acoustic analysis, system design, sound reinforcement, and ensuring exceptional sound quality that aligns with your specific needs.

Working collaboratively with architects, engineers, and event planners, we ensure the audio setup integrates seamlessly into the space. We will provide you with recommendations on equipment selection and placement for optimal performance, as well as training and support for your team on system operation and maintenance.

A Playlist for every mood

Experience the power of curated soundscapes that not only enhance the atmosphere of your space but also deepen the emotional connection with your clientele. Each playlist is crafted specifically for your business, ensuring that every note, beat, and melody aligns perfectly with your unique identity and vision.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!